
  • “Single in the City”

    I recently made a guest appearance on “Single in the City”, a new Rogers Cable Television series hosted by Dorothy…

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  • Transition

    I recently went through a transition in my life, and it has reminded me how important self-care is. Whenever one…

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  • I have moved!

    As of February 28, 2011, I am in my new office which is located at 4291 Village Centre Court, Suite…

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  • Hope

    This picture reminds me that despite the current stressors/adversity in our lives, there is always hope.  We need to take…

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  • Happy New Year

    I wish everyone health and contentment in this new year. Ellis

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  • Christmas

    The holiday season can be an exceptionally difficult time of year for many.  This may be a time for you…

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